Thursday 20 May 2010

Small Island by Andrea Levy

In a nutshell, a story about WWII times in England when a (white) woman, Queenie, takes in a few black lodgers and all the racism that was going on during the time. It's very bizarre considering the fact that the men from Jamaica were coming over, as volunteers, to help England fight the war, and yet they were still fighting a war in this country because the English couldn't accept them.

In actual fact, I never thought there could be as much racism in England during that time as there was in America. I mean there is still lots of racism around now, but it just never crossed my mind that it could be like that back then.

There were a whole lot of emotions while reading this book. If there is anything I hate, it's racism. It makes me sick. It makes me more sick to read about it. So I did quite angry when reading some of the book, at the some of the language that was used. I suppose that is what makes it such a damn good book, that it could make me feel like that.

But if you can't be bothered to read the book, then you can always watch the TV drama that was done on BBC. Doubt it will do the book justice.