Monday 22 March 2010

Captain Corelli's Mandolin- Louis de Bernières

A very good book indeed! I had heard that the film was really good, though never having seen it I thought I would read the book instead. At first I wasn't too enthusiastic about the book as I found some of it quite boring and a bit confusing with each chapter jumping from a different character or situation, but after 6 chapters soon got the hang of it. I suppose most of the beginning really was to create some context. However, anything to do with war and those fine details I find excruciatingly boring and find my mind drifting into other thoughts.

Slightly disappointed at the fact that Nicholas Cage would be given the role of Antonio Corelli as he really does repulse me. So I tried not to imagine that character being Antonio Corelli in my mind.

But other than that it was a thrilling and moving read! My hands and eyes were just glued to the book and its pages. The ending was slightly predictible but not as such where the couple, Corelli and Pelagia lived happily ever after- in fact it leaves room for you to imagine what could happen next.

Definitely one I may read again in many years time or to even watch the movie.